Article sponsored by unigma. I thank you all for your support.
The management tool gives you the opportunity to add scheduled tasks, start/stop/resize/restart instances for AWS and for Microsoft Azure. Any clients can start/stop/restart/resize/generalize/ instances. Our clients create custom dashboards and reports (customer reports, internal reports, partner billing reports), get cost analytics which include:forecasts, insights, comparison, recommendations and many other valuable features.
For IT Services Providers and MSPs, Unigma brings value by providing a multi-tenant, white-labeled platform. There are neat reporting features, so that MSPs can send out customer reports, as well as bill clients for their cloud usage.
Unigma’s ultimate goal is to keep you informed. You may check your cloud investments anytime by simply adding your cloud services and Unigma will constantly monitor them and it will offer you more information than your cloud provider will. This is an important feature for cloud consultants who sometimes find it difficult to go through every piece of information for each client or service.
Monitoring Google Cloud, AWS and Azure became easier. I personally enjoy its dashboard, you can easily navigate because it is user friendly and its responsive design allows users to use it anytime, from anywhere by using any kind of device.