Random Word Generator

Generate a list of random English words with a short definition

🚀Click on any word you like and it will be stored in the box below.
Click ? to know the meaning of the word.

Your selected word list

Click... to copy list to clipboard

Hi, the words that you have selected above, are not stored anywhere. Therefore, click "Copy list to Clipboard" button and paste the list in a Notepad or in a Ms-Word file. Or, simply write it down somewhere.

Generate a list of random English words (with definition)

Hello and welcome to the website :-).

"Random Word Generator", is an online tool to generate random English words, like nouns, verbs, adjectives etc., with a "short definition". When you click the Generate Random Words button, it extracts words randomly from a small database of handpicked English words. Unlike other online tools, this tool is not hooked up to any online/offline dictionary.

There are few options to filter the random words it will generate to fit your requirement.

What are the options?

(1) Number of words: Enter a number or select a number from the spinner control. By adjusting the numbers, you can choose the number of random words to be generated. The default number of 7. So, it generates 7 random words when you first open this page.

(2) The next two are optional: The First letter and the Last letter. This will help filter words that start (begin) or end with the selected alphabet or letter.

Once you have set the options, click the Generate Random Words button and it will genetate a list of random words. Each word that is genrated can also be seleted by simply clicking on the word. Check Your Selected Word List section after you have selected some words. Meanwhile, if you want more words in the list, click the "Generate Random Words" again for a new list of words.

Who can use this tool?

Anybody can use this tool. However, I have designed this tool especially for Teachers and Students. In-fact, the idea came from my son Shouvik Banik. He is a student in Delhi Public School and is now in 7th grade. He even designed this banner. 👇

Random Word Generator
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While playing spell-o-fun crossword game with his mother (a Sports Teacher in the same school), he struggled a bit finding words for the game. Kids do struggle with spellings and they even sometimes find it difficult in remembering words. That’s when Shouvik came up with this idea. Although, there are many such tools on the internet today, he wanted me to design one for fun and to learn new words simultaneously. My son did the final tests of this tool. Fixed few bugs and introduced some new features.

It's useful for kids to test their vocabulary, prepare for spelling tests etc. Teachers too can use the word generator to teach students how to use the words in sentences etc.

You might also find this tool useful while playing other word games, like Pictionary. The word generator is also useful for generating names for websites, a new brand, a product name etc. Simply think about a letter, enter the letter in the box and click the button. You will find many words, which might give you an idea about a new product or a brand. Or, just do it for fun.

Its a free tool and no registration is required.

🚀 Here are some useful tools (related) that you can use for free.

1) The Word Counter - Count Words, characters and the frequeny of words in a sentence.

2) Generate random number within a given range..

3) Graph Maker: Turn raw JSON into meaningful charts.

Blog post:

How to create a Random Word Generator tool using JavaScript?