How to Split a string into Multiple Lines on a Web page using JavaScript

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There are several methods to dynamically split a string into multiple lines on a web page. The traditional approach involves using \n within a string. Alternatively, you can combine the .split() and .join() methods. With the advent of ES6, Template Literals offer a more efficient way to split strings into multiple lines.

Split a String into Multiple lines in JavaScript

1) Using \n to Split string

Previously, we used the \n to split a string. The \n indicated new line. You can simply add it within a string. For example,

let split_string = () => {
    const str = 'Hello, \n I am \n Arun \n Banik';
    document.getElementById('dFyn').innerText = str;

Try it

When dealing with a string constant that includes \n values, it can become quite messy, especially if it's a long string like a sentence or a paragraph. You'll need to manually add a new line (\n) after each string or value, which can be cumbersome.

Note: I am writing the string in a <div> element on my web page using innerText property. However, if you want to add string using .innerHTML, then replace \n with <br />. And the code should be,

let split_string = () => {
    const str = 'Hello, <br /> I am <br /> Arun Banik';     // Show multi line using <br />.
    document.getElementById('dFyn').innerHTML = str;       // Using innerHTML property.


2) Using .split() and .join() Methods

You can use these methods occasionally, in a different scenario. You can use the .split() method and the .join() method together to split a string into multiple lines. Here again you will have to use the \n (new line). However, not within the strings (like the 1st example above), but only once.

let split_string = () => {
  const str1 = 'Hello, I am Arun Banik';
  const arr = str1.split(' ');
  document.getElementById('dFyn').innerText = arr.join('\n');

Try it

This is clean. However, I am using two different methods here and it might look a little complicated. I have used this technique a few times. There’s no need to add \n repeatedly within the string.

And again, if you are using the .innerHTML property, then do this.

document.getElementById('dFyn').innerHTML = arr.join('<br />');

Output is the same.

3) Using ES6 Template Literals

There is a new ES6 feature, called the Template Literals. Its a clean and an easy way to split a string into multiple lines.

let split_string = () => {
    const str = `Hello,
    I am

    document.getElementById('dFyn').innerText = str;

Try it

Careful here. The string is not within a single quote, its within a back quote ( ` ). Its with the tilde (~) symbol on the key board.

Remember: The output may be different when using the console.log() method. So, be careful with spaces.


The methods that I have shared are simple and it uses a combination of plain old JavaScript and a new ES6 feature. There’s no need to use a third party tool and a library.

👉 Do you know you can easily remove duplicates in JavaScript array using an ES6 feature? Check out this article.

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