Try this.
Enter number range and click the "Generate Random Number" button.
Math.random() function
First, lets check the Math.random() function.
<script> document.write (Math.random()); // Output: a random value between 0 and 1, such as, 0.7633 </script>
To generate a random number between 0 and 10, you can use this formula.
<script> document.write (Math.random() * 10); // Output: a random value like 4.805398688602722 </script>
Now let us assume, I want to generate a random number between the range 5 and 10. I'll use this formula.
<script> let min = 5, max = 10; let rnd = Math.random() * (max - min) + min; document.write(Math.floor(rnd)); // Rounding off the value using Math.floor() function. </script>
I have defined the minimum and maximum numbers as variables. Using Math.random(), I generate a random number within this range. To round off the value, I use the Math.floor() function.
We can make it more dynamic by allowing users to input the min. and max. values. To do this, I am adding two textboxes.
<body> <p>Minimum: <input type='textbox' id='min'></p> <p>Maximum: <input type='textbox' id='max'></p> <p> <input type='button' value='Generate Random Number' onclick="generateRnd()"> </p> <p id='result'></p> </body> <script> let generateRnd = () => { let min = Math.ceil(document.getElementById('min').value), max = Math.floor(document.getElementById('max').value); let rnd = Math.random() * (max - min) + min; document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = Math.floor(rnd); } </script>