Memery Leaks
Memory leaks happen when allocated memory is not released after it's no longer needed. This can eventually slow down or crash the browser.
Strategies to help memory leaks:
a) Avoid global variables.
b) Remove event listeners.
c) Clear timers and intervals.
d) Optimize DOM manipulation.
e) Avoid Closures with Unnecessary References.
Poorly Optimized Code
Avoid redundant (code that are no longer needed) or duplicate code, and use efficient algorithms and data structures. Minimize the use of global variables.
Excessive DOM Manipulation
Manipulating the DOM can be expensive in terms of performance. Try to batch DOM changes and minimize reflows and repaints.
Inefficient Event Handlers
Adding event handlers to a large number of elements or using functions that are called frequently can impact performance. Use event delegation and avoid excessive event binding.
Inefficient Loops
Loops with inefficient logic or unnecessary operations can degrade performance. Always optimize loop conditions and avoid deep nesting.
Overusing Libraries
Importing large libraries for simple tasks can bloat the code and slow down performance. Use lightweight libraries or vanilla JavaScript when possible.
Blocking the Main Thread
JavaScript runs on the main thread (refers to the single thread of execution). So long-running scripts can make the "User Interface" (UI) unresponsive. Use web workers for heavy computations to keep the UI responsive.
JavaScript is a single-threaded language. This means it can only perform one operation at a time. This single thread is known as the main thread. For example,
// Synchronous code blocking the main thread. <script> let example = () => { for (let i = 1; i < 1000; i++) { document.write(i + '\n'); // A long-running task. } document.write ('task complete'); } example(); </script>
Codes like event handling and "rendering" runs on main thread.
Asynchronous programming like "callbacks", async/await and promises etc. allows you to perform tasks without blocking the main thread.
/* Asynchronous code that does not block the main thread. Use this method to prevent Blocking Main Thread.*/ <script> let say_hello = async() => { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); document.write('Hello, I am Arun Banik'); // Non blocking task complete. } say_hello(); </script>
The use of async and await ensures that the function pauses its execution without blocking the main thread, making it an efficient way to handle asynchronous operations.
Unoptimized Images and Resources
Loading large images or resources can slow down the page. Optimize images and use lazy loading for better performance.
Not Using Asynchronous Code
Synchronous code can block the main thread. Use asynchronous patterns (like, async/await, Promises) to handle I/O operations and keep the application responsive.
Ignoring Caching
Not utilizing browser caching can lead to repeated downloads of the same resources. Use HTTP caching headers to optimize resource loading.
Addressing the above metioned issues can significantly improve the performance of your JavaScript code.