Change CSS display to "none"
Let us assume, I have DIV element whose "display" property is set to "block" (visible). block or inline, is the default display value. I want to make the element invisible.
You can write an inline script or you can call a function.
Here's an "inline" script to set the display property of an element to "none".
<style> div { display: block; } </style> <body> <div id='div'>Some content here inside DIV...</div> <p> <input type='button' value='Click to hide DIV' id='bt' onclick='document.getElementById("div").style.display = "none";' /> </p> </body>
I have highlighted the ".style.display" property.
Change CSS display to "block"
Now, lets assume, the display property to set to "none" (invisible). You can simply set the "style.display" property to "block" like this.
<style> div { display: none; } </style> <body> <div id='div'>Some content here inside DIV...</div> <p> <input type='button' value='Click to hide DIV' id='bt' onclick='document.getElementById("div").style.display = "block";' /> </p> </body>
Toggle display property of element using JavaScript
You can easily toggle the display property of an element using a simple JS method.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <h2>Click button to toggle display of the DIV element.</h2> <div id='div' style='display: block;' Some content here inside DIV... </div> <p> <input type='button' value='Show/Hide element' id='bt' onclick='toggle()' /> </p> </body> <script> let toggle = () => { const el = document.getElementById("div"); // using ternary operator to toggle display property of the element. === 'none' ? = 'block' : = 'none'; }; </script> </html>
Ternary Operator is used in the above example, to check the "display" property of the element and accordingly change the value.