How to freeze and unfreeze columns in Excel?

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Freezing and unfreezing columns in Excel is a useful feature that keeps particular columns visible while you scroll through the rest of the data. You can freeze and unfreeze columns and rows. In this article I am going to show you how to freeze and unfreeze single column or multiple columns in Excel.

Freeze the First Column

Let us assume, my worksheet has four columns and I want freeze the first column.

Follow these steps

Open the Excel file where you want to freeze columns.

1) Open View tab: From the top menu in your Excel worksheet, navigate to the View tab

2) In the Windows group, click the Freeze Panes dropdown list.

3) Select the Freeze First Column option. This will lock the "first" column.

Freeze first column in Excel

Unfreeze the First Column

If you want to unfreeze the "first" column (or any column or multiple columns), go back to the View tab, click the Freeze Panes dropdown list and click Unfreeze Panes option.

Freeze Multiple Columns

You can freeze and unfreeze multiple columns in Excel.

Let us assume, I want to lock the first two columns, "Income" and "Year 2022" (or columns A and B). Follow these steps.

1) Select "third" (or C) column.

2) Open View tab: From the top menu in your Excel worksheet, navigate to the View tab.

3) In the Windows group, click the Freeze Panes dropdown list.

4) Select Freeze Panes option.

It will freeze the first two columns.

Freeze multiple column in Excel

To unfreeze the columns, again go to the View tab, click the Freeze Panes dropdown list and click the Unfreeze Panes option.

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