👉 The solution still works in 2025.
The Web Form
Here’s a sample contact form, which the macro will fill using the data extracted from an Excel worksheet. The web page has few input box and a button to the save the form data. Usaully, a form is filled manually and after clicking the button, data is saved in a text file. However, the macro (or the code) that I am sharing here, will do the process automatically.
➡️ How to write data (like a table data) to a txt file using VBA?
Let's assume we have a worksheet with several rows of data, each containing six columns. Refer to the image above 👆 for a visual representation. The first five columns contain the data needed to fill the web form, while the sixth column includes hyperlinks. When clicked, these hyperlinks will extract data from the corresponding columns.
I am not using a named range to get the data. It will just loop through each column of the row where the "Hyperlink" is clicked.
Option Explicit Const sURL = "https://www.encodedna.com/css-tutorials/form/contact-form.htm" ' execute macro by clicking the hyper links. Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink) fillWebForm Target.Range.row End Sub Private Sub fillWebForm(iRow As Integer) ' Define objects. Dim oIE As Object Dim oHDoc As HTMLDocument ' Create IE object. Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") With oIE .Visible = True ' Open IE. .Navigate sURL ' Assign the URL to the browser. End With While oIE.ReadyState <> 4 DoEvents Wend Set oHDoc = oIE.Document ' Get data from each column to fill the web form fields. With oHDoc .getElementById("txtName").Value = Cells(iRow, 1) .getElementById("txtAge").Value = Cells(iRow, 2) .getElementById("txtEmail").Value = Cells(iRow, 3) .getElementById("selCountry").Value = Cells(iRow, 4) .getElementById("msg").Value = Cells(iRow, 5) .getElementById("bt").Click ' Click the button on the web form. End With End Sub
The link to the web form is defined in the beginning as a const sURL = .... When you click a link (in a particular row), the macro calls a procedure named fillWebForm(). It takes a parameter (the row number).
➡️ I have explained in detail about how the above macro executes in this article
Run the Macro by Clicking the Hyperlink
Since I have used Hyperlinks in the above example, you must be wondering how I added those hyperlinks in each row and how the links function.
I'll explain how.
We often use buttons (ActiveX button controls) in our worksheet to perform a task in VBA. In the above example, I have used Hyperlinks instead of buttons. How did I inserted the links? Its simple.
Follow these steps.
1) Set focus on the cell you want to insert a Hyperlink.
2) From the top menu, select "Insert" tab and find the option Hyperlink and click it.
3) In the "Insert Hyperlink" window, choose Place in This Document option. Type the cell reference, for example F2. The "Text to display" option can be any text, for example, Click it.
4) Press Ok.
The macro to trap the Hyperlink click event will be,
Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink) If Target.Range.Address = "$F$2" Then End If End Sub