Count Words in Excel Cells or Ranges Using Power Query

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Power Query, an advanced data connection and transformation tool in Excel, can be utilized to count words in cells or ranges. Follow these steps.

1) Select your data (or table) and navigate to Data tab in Excel.

load data to power query in excel

2) Under "Data" tab, select Get Data -> From Other Sources -> From Table/Range option. This will open the Power Query editor with the selected data.

open power query in excel

💡 Do you know you can use a simple VBA Macro to count total words in a cell? Check this out.

3) In the Power Query editor, go to Add Column and click Custom Column option. It will open the "Custom Column" window.

add custom column using power query

4) In the Custom Column window, enter the (below) custom formula to count words in each cell. Click the OK button to apply the changes.

Text.Length([Column1]) - Text.Length(Text.Remove([Column1], {" "}))+1

create custom column using power query

5) Finally, go back to the Home tab and click Close & Load option.

Your Excel sheet will now display the word count for each cell or range.

💡 If you prefer not to use VBA or Power Query, you can use a formula to count total words in a cell.

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