If you are new to AngularJS, then I recommend you to read my first article that I have written for beginners.
AngularJS Tutorial for Beginners – My First AngularJS App “Hello World”
In this example here, I am using JSON data, extracted from an External .json file. Here’s the sample JSON data.
[ { "ID": "001", "Name": "Eurasian Collared-Dove", "Type": "Dove", "Scientific Name": "Streptopelia" }, { "ID": "002", "Name": "Bald Eagle", "Type": "Hawk", "Scientific Name": "Haliaeetus leucocephalus" }, { "ID": "003", "Name": "Cooper's Hawk", "Type": "Hawk", "Scientific Name": "Accipiter cooperii" }, { "ID": "004", "Name": "Bell's Sparrow", "Type": "Sparrow", "Scientific Name": "Artemisiospiza belli" }, { "ID": "005", "Name": "Mourning Dove", "Type": "Dove", "Scientific Name": "Zenaida macroura" }, { "ID": "006", "Name": "Rock Pigeon", "Type": "Dove", "Scientific Name": "Columba livia" }, { "ID": "007", "Name": "Abert's Towhee", "Type": "Sparrow", "Scientific Name": "Melozone aberti" }, { "ID": "008", "Name": "Brewer's Sparrow", "Type": "Sparrow", "Scientific Name": "Spizella breweri" }, { "ID": "009", "Name": "Canyon Towhee", "Type": "Sparrow", "Scientific Name": "Melozone fusca" }, { "ID": "010", "Name": "Black Vulture", "Type": "Hawk", "Scientific Name": "Coragyps atratus" }, { "ID": "011", "Name": "Gila Woodpecker", "Type": "Woodpecker", "Scientific Name": "Melanerpes uropygialis" }, { "ID": "012", "Name": "Gilded Flicker", "Type": "Woodpecker", "Scientific Name": "Colaptes chrysoides" }, { "ID": "013", "Name": "Cassin's Sparrow", "Type": "Sparrow", "Scientific Name": "Peucaea cassinii" }, { "ID": "014", "Name": "American Kestrel", "Type": "Hawk", "Scientific Name": "Falco sparverius" }, { "ID": "015", "Name": "Hairy Woodpecker", "Type": "Woodpecker", "Scientific Name": "Picoides villosus" }, { "ID": "016", "Name": "Lewis's Woodpecker", "Type": "Woodpecker", "Scientific Name": "Melanerpes lewis" }, { "ID": "017", "Name": "Snail Kite", "Type": "Hawk", "Scientific Name": "Rostrhamus sociabilis" }, { "ID": "018", "Name": "White-tailed Hawk", "Type": "Hawk", "Scientific Name": "Geranoaetus albicaudatus" } ]
Make sure you have lots of data in your JSON file, so you work with the pagination feature on your Grid. Copy the above data in a Notepad and save the file as sample.json.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.5.0/angular.js"></script> <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular-ui-grid/4.6.3/ui-grid.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular-ui-grid/4.6.3/ui-grid.min.css" type="text/css"> <style> .uiGrd { width: 550px; height: 300px; } </style> </head> <body> <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myController"> <p>{{title}}</p> <div class="uiGrd" id="grd" ui-grid="gridOptions" ui-grid-pagination</div> </div> </body>
Inside the view, I have a <div> element with two directives.
• ui-grid: This directive is used to specify the data, along with some options provided to the grid. (See the script below).
• ui-grid-pagination: Adding this directive ensures paging or pagination is implemented.
👉 How to create a Data Grid in AngularJS using UI-Grid and Asp.Net Web API in MVC 4
<script> var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.grid', 'ui.grid.pagination']); app.controller('myController', function ($scope, $http) { $scope.title = "AngularJS UI-Grid with Pagination"; // SPECIFY PAGINATION OPTIONS, ROWS PER PAGE. $scope.gridOptions = { paginationPageSizes: [5, 10, 20], paginationPageSize: 5 }; // REQUEST JSON DATA FROM FILE. var request = { method: 'get', url: 'sample.json', dataType: 'json', contentType: "application/json" }; $http(request) .success(function (jsonData) { $scope.gridOptions.data = jsonData; // BIND JSON TO GRID. }) .error(function () { }); }); </script> </html>
I have first added couple modules as dependency to my controller. These are ui-grid and ui-grid-pagination.
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ui.grid', 'ui.grid.pagination']);
Next, I have set the options to the grid’s pagination feature.
• paginationPageSizes: Its an array of page sizes.
• paginationPageSize: I have set it as 5, which means, show 5 rows per page.
Finally, I am binding the JSON data (extracted from a file) to the grid.
$scope.gridOptions.data = jsonData;
More UI-Grid Pagination Properties
AngularJS UI-Grid provides more pagination features.
1) enablePagination: You can explicitly enable or disable pagination your UI-Grid. This Boolean property takes values as true or false. The default is true. For example,
$scope.gridOptions = { paginationPageSizes: [5, 10, 20], paginationPageSize: 5, enablePagination: false // DISABLE PAGINATION. };
Note: Setting enablePagination to false will disable pagination on the grid. However, the pagination controls will remain visible.
2) enablePaginationControls: Now, using this property you can hide or show pagination controls. This is another Boolean property. The default is true.
enablePaginationControls: false
You can experiment with the 1st and 2nd properties or simply remove the first and add only the second property. See what happens.
3) paginationCurrentPage: Use this property if you do not want to show the first page (which is default) and instead show the 2nd or the 4th page, etc. For example, I want to show the 2nd page of the grid when my web page loads.
paginationPageSizes: [5, 10, 20],
paginationPageSize: 5,
paginationCurrentPage: 2